Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lyrical Triptych

This assignment was called a Lyrical Triptych. What we had to do in this assignment was create three images that reflect the lyrics from a song of our choice. I used google to find the images that I needed and everything else was filters and other effects in photoshop.
                It was hard to pick a song for me to use but the song I chose was called My Apocalypse by Escape The Fate. There was no specific reason why I chose this song. I just needed a song that I thought I could make a lyrical triptych out of.
                In each of the three images I made I used a cloud filter to portray that these scenes were all a part of a dream. Hence the beginning of the lyrics “This place lies within the depths of my dreams.” I also added a movie like border to enhance the image as if it was part of a movie scene which I thought made it look better.
                My experience with photoshop has been exciting. I can’t say I have improved because I’ve had experience with it before but its been fun using photoshop in class. Its just amazing how you can turn a couple of pictures into a work of art.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Magazine Cover

In this assignment we were told to create a magazine cover featuring ourselves. The steps I took were to first insert the base image of me for the magazine. Next we had to find the logo of the magazine on Google. What we had to do with the logo was to cut out only the logo and paste it onto the magazine cover. Then we had to come up with headlines that relate to the topic that our magazine was about.
My magazine cover has a picture of me skating. It was based off of “Thrasher Magazine.” It also has a kind of double image effect. I did that because the original image was a little too small and I had to fill up the spaces but I guess it fits well with the image.
The communication through my magazine cover is pretty self-explanatory. Just by looking at it you’ll obviously think it’s a skateboarding magazine. Well the background was a little spot downtown with a decent drop. The colors I used were just colors that I thought fit. Not really much meaning with colors.
             Looking at the rubric, I do feel that my finished work is successful. I think it looks organized and not sloppy. I think the area I could improve on is color choice. I hate dealing with colors because I’m just not good choosing or executing color, but that’s just my own opinion. Overall I thought this was a fun project and my design came out pretty well. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A little about myself...

Well obviously my name is Chang. Im 17. I attend Hope High School Arts. I reside in Providence, RI. Music, skating, and my girlfriend are the most important things in my life right now. I'm in a band which I hope will be successful in the future. I like to sing and play guitar. When I have nothing to do I''ll just go skate downtown somewhere. I would love to have a career in skating but if that doesn't work out I think I'd like to pursue a career in graphic design. Maybe. Well later..
